Maybe, just maybe we’re seeing the last foundation adjustment. Which is kind of exciting….
After they came and checked our foundation again they were fairly certain they didn’t see movement inside the main part of the house. (I’m just going to go with fairly certain meaning none. Because I need good news, people!)
Praise Jesus!!
There was some still movement around the garage, which could have been do to the previous water leak or it could have still just been moving, but regardless, the foundation company came out and made adjustments to 6 piers around two sides of the garage.
You don’t need a disclosure here. These are terrible pictures, plain and simple. But there wasn’t an easy way to get around to get a good shot. Too many busy-bee guys hauling dirt around. I felt like I was getting in their way.
And man they were fast! They had the holes dug, adjusted, filled back in, and new concrete poured in just over half a day.
This was as close as I could get.
We’re so excited to *hopefully*… *just maybe*…have all this foundation nonsense behind us. And we’re really hoping we can move forward with some actual renovations that you can see. With your eyes. You know, like above ground.
Wouldn’t that be peachy?!
Well, along that same subject, over Spring Break Rob decided to get started on some demo.
He usually tries to take off work for the week and concentrate on one big project. I know this. It’s what we do.
The week before, we discussed the possibility of just going ahead and removing the drywall in the living room. After all, it was still missing about 1/3 of the way up the wall anyway from the last time the house flooded. BUT, he talked about a few other things as well, so I just figured this was on the back burner, so to speak.
While my big project for the week was painting our oldest daughter’s bedroom and furniture while she was away on a mission trip to Trinidad. (She heard us talk about maybe trying to do it, but she also knows better than to hold her breath. Too many projects around here and not enough time! Lol!) So this was going to be my surprise to her. I’ll get to that update in a minute…
Well, while I was working on her room, I heard some banging around and came downstairs to this…
We’ll just call this an executive decision.
I told him if I had known he was going to tackle this, I would have, I don’t know, maybe removed the rug, coffee table, and plants, not to mention the Easter decor on the fireplace mantel – I’m still try to pretend it’s a living room, after all.
Honestly, I’m not sure he even noticed.
I just went back upstairs at that point.
And here it is a few hours later…
At least somethings had been moved out of the way of flying drywall at this point.
The bedroom update went well and I finished (mostly) before she returned from her week long trip.
Here are the before and afters… I mean, who doesn’t love some before and after pics?
After: That ceiling fan needs to go…. like I said, I’m mostly done.
At least we got one project somewhat finished over Spring Break.
When my girl first walked in from her trip, and upon seeing the living room, she just stood there staring and said “why doesn’t this surprise me?”
So glad this was waiting for her upstairs. She loved it.
Now, to try to get all the dust out of the house from the impromptu demo, where nothing was covered up. It just never seems to go away. And the bonus is the living room now smells like 50 year old insulation.
Lovely. I should invite people over.
Paint Resources:
Walls – Behr Marquee, tinted to SW Gray Screen (SW7071) – This is pricey, but was a dream to paint with!
Ceiling – Behr Premium Plus, tinted to SW Site White (SW7070)